Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tape Mani-using striping tape

Striping tape is super easy to work with. I purchased mine at a local Walmart for about $2. Super cheap and I was able to get 3 rolls of it...SCORE!!!! So for this mani I simply used white as my base coat, then placed my striping tape down (make sure your white base polish is completely dry before putting the tape down), then I put black and red polish down. That is super simple! If you all want to see a more detailed instructions, let me know! Here is your finished look!

If you have any request of what you all would like to see more of on here then let me know! XOXO~ Ashley


  1. Good job Ashley! I love the colours. Did it take long?

  2. No, not too long. the only part that took the longest was letting the white polish dry fully. Other than that it was really simple, it took about 25 minutes from start to finish. Thanks!!
