Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Review- Gold Bond Ultimate Intensive Healing Hand Cream

Walking through Walgreen's a while back this particular cream caught my eye. I had been wanting to try it because the commercial for it was so intriguing and since the winter months are coming up I thought it would be perfect. So I picked up a smaller tube of it just to see if I would like it, and if I did then I could always go back and get the bigger size.

One thing that I look for in a hand a lotion is that it can't be greasy, and it can't have a strong scent. I hate hand creams that smell like old ladies. So I took a quick whiff inside the store hoping no one would see me what I was doing and it actually smelled really good. It has a light citrus scent. After using this for a month or so now I can actually say this is going to be a staple in my product stash. I love how quickly it absorbs into your skin.

This stuff is like liquid gold for your hands! As advertised on the package: works into skin fast, works to heal breaks and sores due to dryness (also fast), isn't obtrusively greasy like many lotions and keeps working after water exposure. It claims that it absorbs into your skin within 15 seconds. It really does! If you all get a chance to pick this Gold Bond Hand cream up, please do. You won't regret this purchase.

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